The 10 most embarrassing things I've done in NYC so far.
Miley Cyrus’ pop ode to imperfection just rings truer some days more than others. Still, I remind myself that I’ve “got to work it again and again ‘til I get it right.” Here’s everything I’ve royally jacked up my first month.
1. I was so tired, I knocked my coffee all over my desk, spilling onto my papers, liquefying a post-it deck, and horrifically splashing onto my new work laptop. No signs of damage. Yet. My stained white jacket was promptly crumpled and stuffed away, and I spent the rest of the day shivering in a tank top.
2. A guy asked me out, and I asked “why?” Dating skills: 0.
3. Big, flowy pant legs + sandals + uneven ground on the Long Island Railroad train station = ate pavement. Tore my brand new pants and destroyed my elbow. Proceeded to the shoot with a gnarly, bloody arm. Oops.
4. Accidentally played my Spotify without the headphone jack plugged in. At 9am. It was Chance the Rapper. 100% volume.
5. Went for a bite of salad while reading an email. Missed my mouth. Big time. People saw.
6. Went to a rooftop pool with Jess. After swimming, I redressed in a DARK bathroom. (Super dark, ok?) We left, then had to find a nearby bar to rechange – my romper was inside out.
7. I fell out of my twin bed around 4 am. Still confused.
8. A rogue lunch decision led to a full blown allergic reaction. I took 2 Benadryl, and actually fell asleep at my desk.
9. I set off the smoke alarms making kale chips. 3 times. Sorry, roomies.
10. Some dude pushed me on the train. Flustered, I said “Hey jackwad!” What’s a jackwad? Why’d I say that?