When it comes to tragedy, we all have different coping mechanisms. Mine just happens to be writing (and an occasional street riot. Whatever seems best.) Enjoy these 17 syllable bits of bitterness I wrote during my lunch break today ~
We’ll build a great wall!
Maybe there will be fencing
But it’ll be so huuuge
Unbelievable! Huge, truly
Look at the size of my hands
Crooked Hillary
Wow, aren’t I good at Twitter
I am so good at Twitter
Even the Freedom Kids
Hate fascist Donald
Wow, they are just kids
I will be so good
“Bing bing, bong, bing bing bing, bong”
“I can’t rememberrrrr”
In California
Least you can light up your weed
And watch the world burn
Oh Ivanka Trump
Perhaps I’d be dating her
If I weren’t a prune
Global warming
Is a hoax by the Chinese,
Like obviously
Why be president
If you can’t be trusted with
A Twitter account
Giuliani looks
Looks like a dirty weasel
Please stay underground
Hide your Trump stickers
Hide your red embroidered hats
I’m ‘bout to throw down