Wikipedia defines:
Manspreading, or man-sitting, is a neologism used to describe a man sitting in public transport with legs wide apart, thereby covering more than one seat. Both this posture and usage of the term "manspreading" have caused some internet criticism, and debates in the USA, UK, Turkey, and Canada.
If you’re watching my Snapchat, you’ve probably uncovered a theme in my posts. While pretending to text, I’ve been sneakily snapping NYC’s worst manspreading offenders. (Now, as you can imagine, this only works if they’re directly across from me, with no one standing between us.) It's my nails-on-a-chalkboard sound. I loathe the spread. Why has this behavior come to be? Are they making room for their junk, stretching their dancerly hip flexors, or reminiscing on the posture of their behemoth ancestors? The only acceptable case of manspreading was the unfortunate (homeless) soul with testicular elephantitis outside Panera Bread. Appetizing. (Yes, New York City truly has it all.) The worst offenders take two full seats for their airy groins, staring down any commuter that dares to compromise their comfort and squeeze into seat, like the man in image 1.
Here’s a brief compilation of offenders, making like butter and spreading all over the subway.
#stopthespread #dontmanspread #etcetera #etcetera #thanksforyourtime #rantover